EMSB pleased to be adding 10 new Pre-K classes for 2020-21

The English Montreal School Board will welcome 10 new Pre-Kindergarten classes funded by the Ministry of Education for the 2020-21 academic year. At present there are already 28 such classes at the board.
Set to receive new Ministry funded full-day Pre-K classes are;
- Carlyle (2)
- St. Monica (3)
- Pierre de Coubertin (1)
- Dunrae Gardens (1)
- Leonardo Da Vinci (1)
- Honoré-Mercier (1) and
- East Hill (1)
The conditions and criteria considered when making these selections were the poverty index, schools with existing half-day Pre-K’s and available space.
“We are pleased that we have been able to add additional classes to our list of Ministry funded Pre-K’s,” said EMSB Assistant Director General Evelyne Alfonsi. “Due to an increase in enrolment and long Pre-K waiting lists in two east end schools, we have requested the addition of two more classes.”
Our educators are doing a wonderful job welcoming these young children to our system. We will continue to pay close attention to the placement of these classes in the coming years as there is a significant space problems in our west end schools.”