2020-2021 Return-to-School Plan
Dear Willingdon families,
On behalf of our entire staff at Willingdon, we are happy to welcome you to the 2020-2021 school year. We hope you have enjoyed a healthy and restful summer vacation and that you are recharged and energised. We know that returning to school during this pandemic is extremely stressful and that you may be experiencing anxiety about what lies ahead. We want to reassure you that your child is deeply cared for by our staff and that we will be taking every precaution to ensure the safety of our children and that of our staff upon their return. This is our top priority. Given the particularities of this year, we will specifically focus on physical, mental and emotional wellness for our entire community. As we move forward with the re-entry, we ask that you communicate with your child’s teachers to make us aware of any challenges or significant events your child is facing, so that we may be best able to support them. We have full confidence in the dedication of our teachers and staff and look forward to seeing students again.
The first day of school is Monday, August 31st, 2020. It will be of the utmost importance that you monitor your children for symptoms on a daily basis and contact us immediately if your child is feeling sick.
- If your child has fever/chills, new or worsening cough, difficulty breathing, a sudden loss of sense of smell or taste without nasal congestion, new onset headache, new onset pain (muscular, chest, abdomen, joints), new intense fatigue, new severe loss of appetite, sore throat, vomiting or diarrhea, your child must stay home.
- We would like to remind you that if you are living with a person who has COVID-19 (confirmed or suspected case) or those who have travelled outside of the country in the last 14 days, your child must stay home.
- If your child has any symptoms please have them stay home, isolate and contact 1-877-644-4545 or 811 to determine if testing is needed for COVID-19 and when they can return to school. They need to be symptom free for 48 hours (fever) and 24 hours (other symptoms) prior to returning to school.
We count on your vigilance as this is the most efficient way to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
We have been extremely busy putting everything in place to ensure a smooth return for all. Our caretakers in both buildings, have been cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing the premises. We, the administration team along with Dr. Kat, Ms. B and Ms. Tina, have been brainstorming ideas and reinventing how Willingdon runs to ensure that all of Public Health guidelines are respected. In the following sections, we will be first outlining the general protocols that have been put in place for all of Willingdon’s population and staff members. Following this, is a section per grade level detailing protocols for that level. Finally, the last section is meant for parents/guardians to help them prepare their children and work in partnership with the school team to ensure the health, safety and well-being of all. We know that we have work to do, one that requires hard work, focus and collaboration. That said, we also know that together we will succeed.
A video for students explaining all new procedures will be sent to all parents a few days before the first day.
SECTION 1: General Safety guidelines and sanitary measures for all
Health Check and Communication:
- A health self-assessment questionnaire is posted on all entrances for employees. Employees will have to sign in daily. All employees will do the self-assessment daily prior to coming to school. If an employee has symptoms, they will stay home and contact 1-877-644-4545 to determine if they require COVID-19 testing. Furthermore, a weekly email will be sent to all employees reminding them that they are not to report to work if they are exhibiting any of the COVID-19 symptoms outlined by Public Health.
- Weekly email communication will be sent to our families reminding them to assess their child on a daily basis and to keep them at home if they are exhibiting any of the COVID-19 symptoms outlined by Public Health.
- Daily reminders to students about the importance of monitoring their own symptoms and to advise a parent or a teacher if they don’t feel well. Clearly sharing and posting those COVID-19 related symptoms with the students.
- In the weekly emails to staff and parents, we will remind them that they are not to report to school if they were in close contact with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 until advised by Public Health and that they are not to report to school if they travelled outside of the country in the past 14 days. Those individuals must remain home in quarantine for a period of 14 days.
Contingency for suspect COVID-19 case:
- Implementation of the EMSB intervention protocol in case a student or staff member report symptoms during the school day. The plan outlines how to manage the situation, who to call, how to isolate the person (see next point), who will be in charge, what PPE is required, which letter to send informing the school population and who will call Public Health. At Willingdon, we decided that it will be the administration who will manage these cases. Furthermore, the school will keep a registry of COVID-19 confirmed or suspected case and these are updated daily. All staff will be prepped on this intervention protocol.
- An isolation “CARE ROOM” has been designated in each campus. An emergency kit of PPE containing procedure mask, eye protection, gloves and gown will remain in that room at all times. Protocols to don PPE, doff and discard used PPE are also put in place. A caretaker will disinfect and air out the isolation room as soon as the staff member or student leaves the premises.
- Parents and staff will be informed once a case of COVID-19 is confirmed while safeguarding the confidentiality of the person. Other staff and students with moderate risk exposure will be withdrawn from school and tested as per Public Health
- Any staff or student who shows symptoms at school will be asked by the school administration to call 1-877-644-4545 to determine if they required COVID-19 testing. The results of the COVID-19 tests will usually be available within 24h.
- In accordance with the Ministry of Education, all students in cycle 3 (grade 5-6) are required to wear a face mask in corridors and common areas until they are seated in class. Furthermore, all staff members will be following those same directives. Only kindergarten teachers will need to keep a mask and visor during the day as they work very closely with students.
- Willingdon strongly encourages that all students, K to 6, wear a mask in corridors and common areas for the safety of everyone. We ask you to please cooperate with us on this issue and to let us know if your child cannot wear a mask due to medical reasons.
- Students and staff may take off their masks once seated at their desks and once physical distancing is possible. When not being worn, masks can be kept on self-releasing lanyards, on their desk or table in a reusable cloth bag.
- Students are responsible to bring their own masks to school. We suggest each child has two 2-layer masks in a reusable cloth bag.
- All students are required to wear a mask on the bus. Shuttles from junior to senior and vice-versa will continue to run. Extra shuttles will be available to alleviate crowding on the bus
Physical Space and Sanitation:
- All caretakers were mandated to complete a training on proper disinfecting and expectations in terms of cleaning the high touch areas during normal occupancy. Caretakers are expected to disinfect doorknobs, light switches, bathrooms, stair railings, doors and other high touch areas every 2 hours.
- Students from each grade will be assigned a specific door to enter and leave the building at all times and a specific staircase to use at all time. Only the Kindergarten and grade 2 students will be sharing an entrance and a staircase, but their schedule will be staggered so that disinfection of the doors and railings can be done in between grades. Details of arrivals and dismissals are to follow.
- Floor decals, stairs decals, arrows, caution tape, and signs have been posted everywhere in both buildings to establish traffic directions and access restriction in order to maintain physical distancing.
- All classes will be set up to respect social distancing as much as physically possible. The teacher’s desk will be 2 meters from the students.
- Administrators and teachers will ensure that everyone always understands the importance to avoid or limit the duration of contact under 2 meters.
- All classroom windows will be opened in the morning as of 8:30. Teachers will always be encouraged to keep windows open. Teachers will keep windows open at the end of the day. The caretaker will close the windows on his way out to ensure proper ventilation and aeration throughout the building. We will reassess this during the winter months but every effort will be made to have fresh air come into classrooms
- We will delay the use of lockers until necessary
- Hand sanitizer will be available at every entrance, in all bathroom's entries and in all classrooms.
- Cleaning wipes, disinfectant spray bottles will be available in every classroom to clean desks, chairs and other used surfaces.
- It is highly recommended that each student be equipped with their own Kleenex and small bottle of hand sanitizer for personal use.
- Soap and brown paper towels will always be available at every sink.
- All Kindergarten, grade 1 and grade 2 classrooms have a sink. Cycle 2 and 3 students will have an assigned sink per grade to wash their hands. Students will wash or sanitize their hands at arrival, before and after going to the washroom, before and after eating, after they play outside, before dismissal.
- For the washrooms, specific bathroom stalls will be dedicated to specific grades. All stalls will be identified with the designated animal character of that grade level. Bathroom disinfection will take place every 2 hours.
- Each homeroom will have a sign out / sign in sheet for bathroom
- Plexiglass will be installed for the secretaries.
Specialists and Library:
- Students will remain all day in the same class except for Physical Education and Science. Both these specialist rooms will be disinfected between every class. Switch teachers and other specialists will go from classroom to classroom. All students’ belongings will be stored in baskets or in cloth drawstring bags close to their desk.
- Specialists periods will take place outside whenever possible. Some changes have had to be made to respect Public Health guidelines such as no singing in the classroom. This will be revisited after first term.
- Regular library visits will not take place in the fall and be replaced by mobile classroom libraries. This will be revisited in November.
Eating and Drinking:
- Water fountains and microwaves will not be accessible. We ask parents to send two full bottles of water with their child.
- Students will have lunch in their classes at their desks. We ask that parents pack a cloth placemat for added hygiene. Note that we are in desperate need of lunch monitors; if you can spare an hour a day to help us, please let us know. Furthermore, we encourage you to pack a waste free lunch. Now, more than ever, we need to safeguard and protect our planet. Students will have to put all garbage back in their lunch box (pack it in / pack it out).
- Hot lunches will be available through the Mini-Bistro at the EMSB Catering Service. They will be brought directly to the students classroom.
Recess, EDP and Activities:
- Recesses will be staggered in order to have one cycle in the yard at a time. Furthermore, the yard will be divided in two, to separate the grades.
- EDP is working with the administration to provide an updated list of students attending EDP. We will try to keep those groups together throughout the day. For example, all grade 1 students attending EDP, will make up one class (homeroom). This will avoid groups coming together in the morning or at the end of the day.
- EDP will be using the main entrance in the morning and after school. Visitors can only use the main door at all times. Everyone (staff, students, parents, siblings, grandparents, community members etc) must wear a mask when entering the building.
- No extra-curricular activities will take place in the fall. This will be revisited for winter as the situation at the school level and at the provincial level evolves.
- All H & S activities including pizza lunch will be suspended until November.
- The play structure will not be accessible as well. These measures will be revisited in November
All school events will be held virtually:
- All school events scheduled in Term 1 will be held virtually: meet the teacher night, Governing Board general assembly, open house and term 1 interviews. This will be revisited in mid-November as the situation progresses.
- All Home & School meetings and all Governing Board meetings will be held virtually until mid-November. These measures will be revised as the situation progresses.
Visitors, Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals etc.
- No visitor or guest (including parents) will be admitted without an appointment and will always need to wear a face covering while in the building.
- For late arrivals and early dismissal, the secretary will meet you at the front entrance.
- To pay school fees, please send a cheque with your child. The homeroom teacher will be responsible for collecting the envelopes.
- For bussing inquiries, please email Ms. Andrea Gordon at agordon@emsb.qc.ca. As per school board directives, accommodation bussing will only be available after September 30th, 2020.
- For any information regarding registration and missing documents, please email Candice Madden ( vice-principal junior) or Maya Doughan (vice-principal senior) to make an appointment. For any other concern, please email the vice-principals for an appointment.
- No birthday or any other special occasion treats will be permitted in the classroom. Special occasions will be highlighted by the teacher.
- We kindly ask that only one parent/guardian is in the yard for drop off and/or pick up at dismissal.
- Please know that for this year, all buses will be dropping off and picking up students from Terrebonne (no longer from Draper or Royal)
- Each grade level will be represented by an ANIMAL. Pictures of these animals will be placed on the designated doors, staircases, hallways, classrooms and bathrooms for each grade level. This will help ensure that our students are following the new protocols.
A video for students explaining all new procedures will be sent to all parents a few days before the first day.
SECTION 2: Information per grade level
Kindergarten “LADYBUG”
- Progressive entry 2020-2021
Due to the pandemic, we were not able to hold our Welcome to Kindergarten event in the spring. Therefore, we have extended our progressive entry to five days instead of the usual three. The transition to Kindergarten can be challenging for students, therefore Kindergarten students will have a week to slowly transition to the routine. The progressive entry will take place as follow:
- On Monday, August 31st, 2020 it will be a virtual first day of school, Kindergarten students are not to report to school. Every parent will receive a virtual meeting invitation. Your child’s teacher will be sending you an email on Friday, August 28th, 2020 informing you of the time of the meeting. Each teacher will meet 5 students and their parents at a time for about 30 minutes to introduce themselves to the children and parents, to answer questions, read a story and create a first contact to reduce everyone’s anxiety.
- Tuesday, September 1st, 2020: Each kindergarten homeroom will be invited to join the teacher, the administration, and home & school representatives for 45 minutes on the front lawn of the school to participate in a game while respecting physical distancing. Families who did not have a chance to pick up the Welcome to Kindergarten bag in June will receive it on that day. The teacher will let you know at what time this will take place when they send the email on August 28, 2020.
- Wednesday, September 2, 2020: Kindergarten students with family names beginning with the letters A to M only will report to school from 9:25am to 11:30am. Please have all the school supplies with you on this day. The teachers will meet you in the school yard and accompany the children to their respective classroom. You will pick up your child from the school yard on that day. We will have monitors to help the children carry their bags to the classroom. Please provide a snack and a full bottle of water for your child.
- Thursday, September 3, 2020: Kindergarten student’s with family names beginning with the letters N to Z only will report to school from 9:25am to 11:30am. Please have all the school supplies with you on this day. The teachers will meet you in the school yard and accompany the children to their respective classroom. You will pick up your child from the school yard on that day. We will have monitors to help the children carry their bags to the classroom. Please provide a snack and a full bottle of water for your child.
- Friday, September 4, 2020: All kindergarten students will report to school for half a day from 9:25am to 11:30am. Morning entry will take place in the school yard from 9:05am to 9:25am. You will pick up your child from the Draper yard gates. Please provide a snack and a full bottle of water for your child.
The first regular school day for all Kindergarten students will be Tuesday, September 8th, 2020. Please make sure you send a snack, a lunch, and two full bottles of water on that day, as the children will only be dismissed at the end of the school day (between 3:20 and 3:50 PM). Please present yourself at the Draper schoolyard gate between 3:20pm and 3: 50pm to receive your child. Children who are enrolled in our EDP program will be taken there at 3:50pm. Children who take the school bus will be put on the bus. It is your responsibility as a parent to inform the homeroom teacher if your child is taking a bus or attending EDP. Please try to avoid last minute changes with your child’s dismissal routine.
Please note that for Kindergarten students, the EDP program as well as the busing will only start on the first regular school day, thus Tuesday, September 8th, 2020.
- Kindergarten daily schedule 2020-2021
In order to alleviate the number of students in the yard in the morning, during recesses and at dismissal, we decided to attach the morning recess to arrival and the afternoon recess to dismissal. Therefore, the kindergarten schedule is as follows.
Arrival and morning recess from 9:05am to 9:25am: Kindergarten students will have the yard to themselves in the morning. Parents can bring their child to either school yard gate anytime between 9:05am and 9:25am. This will alleviate traffic. Students attending EDP or taking the bus will be escorted to the school yard at that time.
Lunch from 11:30am to 12:42pm: Kindergarten students will have the yard to themselves between 11:30 and 12:00. They will then proceed to their respective classrooms to eat lunch
Afternoon recess and dismissal from 3:20pm to 3:50pm: Kindergarten students will have the yard to themselves in the afternoon prior to dismissal. Parents can pick up their child from the Draper school yard gate anytime between 3:20pm and 3:50pm. Parents will enter the yard on Draper and collect their child on their way to the Royal schoolyard gate (uni-directional from Draper to Royal gates). No Kindergarten student will be allowed to leave the yard without an adult. Students attending EDP or taking the bus will be escorted to their respective bus or to EDP at 3:50.
Specialist time: Kindergarten students have specialist time for 30 minutes a day either for physical education (3 times a week) or music (twice a week). These specialist periods will take place outside whenever possible.
Kindergarten door and staircase: Kindergarten students will line up in the yard respecting physical distancing and will use the schoolyard Royal door and the main staircase leading to the office which is connected to that door. Kindergarten students are not to use any other doors or staircase for the remainder of the day. The main entrance can be used for late arrivals and early dismissals.
We look forward to greeting your child and anticipate a wonderful start to his/her elementary education.
**All parents/guardians and students are asked to have a mask on during dismissal as physical distancing can be difficult to maintain**
Grade 1 “SQUIRREL”
The grade 1 schedule will remain the same in terms of arrivals, dismissals, recesses and lunch, however please note the important directives below:
Morning arrival: All grade 1 students must arrive at school between 8:55am and 9:05am and go straight to their classroom. We ask that all grade 1 students enter the yard from the Draper gate and use the school yard Draper entrance to make their way to class using that specific staircase. A staff member will be at the door to welcome them, ensure physical distance and sanitize their hands. Students are not to play in the yard in the morning. They go straight up the stairs, to the third floor where their teachers will be meeting them. The grade 1 classes are 9, 10, 11 and 12. All homeroom teachers will be sending an email on Friday, August 28, 2020 informing you of your child’s homeroom so that (s)he knows where to go on the first day.
Dismissal: Students will be waiting for parents to pick-up by grade level in the schoolyard. Parents may only enter the schoolyard at 3:50pm or as advised by the staff member on duty at the gate (once all students are gathered in their designated space.) Parents must collect their child from the designated area that is represented by their respective grade level animal. No parents will be permitted to remain in the school yard or allow their child to use the play structure.
Grade 1 door and staircase: Grade 1 students will use the schoolyard Draper door and the Draper yard staircase connected to that door. Grade 1 students are not to use any other doors or staircase for the remainder of the day. The main entrance can be used for late arrivals and early dismissals.
**All parents/guardians and students are asked to have a mask on during dismissal as physical distancing can be difficult to maintain**
Grade 2 “BEAVER”
The grade 2 schedule will remain the same in terms of arrivals, dismissals, recesses and lunch, however, please note the important directives below:
Morning arrival: All grade 2 students must arrive to school between 8:55am and 9:05am and go straight to their classroom. We ask that all grade 2 students enter the yard from the Royal gate and use the school yard Royal entrance to make their way to class using that specific staircase (the one leading to the office). A staff member will be at the door to welcome them, ensure physical distance and sanitize their hands. Students are not to play in the yard in the morning. They go straight up the stairs, to the third floor where their teachers will be meeting them. The grade 2 classes are 13, 15,17, 18, and 20. All homeroom teachers will be sending an email on Friday, August 28, 2020 informing you of your child’s homeroom so that (s)he knows where to go on the first day.
Dismissal: Students will be waiting for parent pick-up by grade level in the schoolyard. Parents may only enter the schoolyard at 3:50pm or as advised by the staff member on duty at the gate (once all students are gathered in their designated space.) Parents must collect their child from the designated area that is represented by their respective grade level animal. No parents will be permitted to remain in the school yard or allow their child to use the play structure.
Grade 2 door and staircase: Grade 2 students will use the schoolyard Royal door and the Royal yard staircase connected to that door. Grade 2 students are not to use any other doors or staircase for the remainder of the day. The main entrance can be used for late arrivals and early dismissals.
**All parents/guardians and students are asked to have a mask on during dismissal as physical distancing can be difficult to maintain**
Grade 3 “DEER”
The grade 3 schedule will remain the same in terms of arrival, dismissal, recesses and lunch. Please note the important directives below:
Morning arrival: All grade 3 students must arrive to school between 8:55 and 9:05 and go straight to their classroom. We ask that all grade 3 students enter the building through the Draper SIDE door as soon as they arrive. A staff member will be at the door to welcome them, ensure physical distance and sanitize their hands. Grade 3 students are not allowed in the yard in the morning. The grade 3 students will be using the Draper FRONT staircase adjacent to the caretaker’s office. They will make their way straight to the fourth floor where their teachers will be meeting them. The grade 3 classes are 21, 23,25, and 27 (combined 3\4). All homeroom teachers will be sending an email on Friday, August 28, 2020 informing you of your child’s homeroom so that they know where to go on the first day.
Dismissal: Students will be waiting for parent pick-up by grade level in the schoolyard. Parents may only enter the schoolyard at 3:50pm or as advised by the staff member on duty at the gate (once all students are gathered in their designated space.) Parents must collect their child from the designated area that is represented by their respective grade level animal. No parents will be permitted to remain in the school yard or allow their child to use the play structure.
Grade 3 door and staircase: Grade 3 students will use the SIDE Draper door and the FRONT Draper staircase adjacent to the caretaker’s office. Grade 3 students are not to use any other doors or staircase for the remainder of the day. The main entrance can be used for late arrivals and early dismissals.
**All parents/guardians and students are asked to have a mask on during dismissal as physical distancing can be difficult to maintain**
Grade 4 “LYNX”
The grade 4 schedule will remain the same in terms of arrival, dismissal, recesses and lunch. Please note the important directives below:
Morning arrival: All grade 4 students must arrive to school between 8:55am and 9:05am and go straight to their classroom. We ask that all grade 4 students enter the building through the Royal SIDE door as soon as they arrive. A staff member will be at the door to welcome them, ensure physical distance and sanitize their hands. Grade 4 students are not allowed in the yard in the morning. The grade 4 students will be using the Royal FRONT staircase adjacent to EDP’s office. They will make their way straight to the fourth floor where their teachers will be meeting them (except homeroom 1 who will be going to the second floor). The grade 4 classes are 29, 30,1, and 27 (combined 3\4). All homeroom teachers will be sending an email on Friday, August 28, 2020 informing you of your child’s homeroom so that they know where to go on the first day.
Dismissal: Students will be waiting for parent pick-up by grade level in the schoolyard. Parents may only enter the schoolyard at 3:50pm or as advised by the staff member on duty at the gate (once all students are gathered in their designated space.) Parents must collect their child from the designated area that is represented by their respective grade level animal. No parents will be permitted to remain in the school yard or allow their child to use the play structure.
Grade 4 door and staircase: Grade 4 students will use the SIDE Royal door and the FRONT Royal staircase adjacent to EDP’s office. Grade 4 students are not to use any other doors or staircase for the remainder of the day. The main entrance can be used for late arrivals and early dismissals.
**All parents/guardians and students are asked to have a mask on during dismissal as physical distancing can be difficult to maintain**
A reminder that all senior campus students are required to wear a mask during transitions and when they are not seated at their individual desks.
First Day: On August 31st 2020, students will line up in the school yard at Junior Campus by homeroom. Their new homeroom teachers will be waiting for them with a sign indicating the homeroom number. All homeroom teachers will be sending an email on Friday, August 28, 2020 informing you of your child’s homeroom so that they know where to line up on the first day. Each homeroom will then walk to senior campus. Due to the large number of walkers, we will wear our masks for this walk. All students are encouraged to meet at Junior Campus for this celebratory walk. However, if that is not possible, students are welcome to report to Senior Campus directly. Grade 6 students are to report to Ms. Sylvie in the schoolyard and Grade 5 students are to report to Ms. Maya in the park.
Once at Senior Campus, Grade 5 students will enjoy some transition activities with their homerooms out in the park. Grade 6 students will report directly to their homeroom classes.
The grade 5 schedule will remain the same. No changes have been made.
Grade 5 door and staircase: Grade 5 students will use the front door closer to Somerled to enter and exit the building morning and after school and the FRONT staircase attached to that entrance. They will use the same staircase and entrance to access the yard. A staff member will be at the entrance to welcome them, sanitize their hands and ensure physical distance.
**All parents/guardians and students are asked to have a mask on during dismissal as physical distancing can be difficult to maintain**
Grade 6 “POLAR BEAR”
The grade 6 schedule will remain the same. No changes have been made.
Grade 6 door and staircase: Grade 6 students will use the front MAIN OFFICE door to enter and exit the building morning and after school and the staircase in the main hallway next to the photocopier machine. They will use the same staircase and entrance to access the yard. A staff member will be at the entrance to welcome them, sanitize their hands and ensure physical distance.
**All parents/guardians and students are asked to have a mask on during dismissal as physical distancing can be difficult to maintain**
Section 3: Preparation for potential return to Distance Learning
Teachers will be devoting a fair amount of time during the first few weeks of class to familiarize their students with the online platforms our school will be using (Google Classroom and Google Meet for distance learning, and Mozaik for communication with parents).
The EMSB distance education follows the guidelines that have been established by the MEES
Grade Level | Number of hours per week dedicated to online learning | Number of hours of independent work provided by the teacher per week | Number of hours of teacher availability per day or per week to meet the needs of the students |
Pre-School (K4-K5) | 11.5 hours of large group or small group instruction and activities | 2 hours | N.A |
Grade 1 and 2 | 10.5 hours of teaching | 3 hours | 2.5 hours per day |
Grade 3 and 4 | 13 hours of teaching | 5 hours | 2 hours per day |
Grade 5 and 6 | 13 hours of teaching | 7.5 hours | 2 hours per day |
Grade 7, 8 and 9 | 15 hours of teaching | 7.5 hours | 5 hours per week |
Grade 10 and 11 | 15 hours of teaching | 7.5 hours | 5 hours per week |
Parents who have already received medical notes exempting their child from attending school physically, please email your medical exemption to Ms. Candice Madden cmadden@emsb.qc.ca before August 25th 2020. Please ensure that an original medical note is provided.
SECTION 4: Parent partnership, responsibilities and general guidelines
In order to prepare for the upcoming year some strategies that may be helpful include:
- Maintain as much of a routine as possible. Especially mealtimes, quiet time, and bedtime.
- Model calmness and optimism to your children, as well as model your own coping strategies when things go wrong, such as deep breaths, taking a walk, listening to music, etc.
- 3. Limit media, especially everything pertaining to the news. When watching the news, the focus should be more on the helpers in the news or what your child can do to help.
- Limit screen time, no more than 2 hours daily is recommended.
- Ensure daily physical activity. Get outdoors, in nature, get moving with your child!
- Provide socialization opportunities, while respecting the up-to-date government guidelines, for your children to prepare them for school re-entry. Playing outside with a friend, cousin or age-appropriate neighbor are all good options.
- Read. Ensure you promote joy in reading versus worrying about academics.
- Have meals as a family, which helps build connections.
Preparing for when school resumes:
- Discuss re-entry by taking a positive and calm approach
- Reassure your child that staff will be there to guide and support them, and to teach them the new rules
- Adjust bedtime routine by beginning a week before going back to school to modify bedtime.
- Talk to your child about the return to school date. Parents can show a calendar and cross out each day until the return day arrives.
- Validate any feelings of worry by acknowledging that going back to the school routine can be difficult, like any new activity. If they experience worries related to COVID-19, you may refer to: http://www.inspirationsnews.com/pdf_en/OnlineEditions/Inspirations%20_Covid-No1-Final-updated.pdf
- To reduce the anxiety that your child may feel when separating from you, you can put a “comfort item” in your child’s lunch box (e.g. a token, a bracelet, a family picture)
- For more information please refer to the EMSB website: https://www.emsb.qc.ca/emsb/community/education/health
- Daily assessment of your child’s health. In accordance with Public Health guidelines, individuals exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms must stay home and contact the COVID-19 info-line at 1-877-644-4545 and follow instructions. Please contact the school administration immediately to inform them.
- If your child has fever/chills, new or worsening cough, difficulty breathing, a sudden loss of sense of smell or taste without nasal congestion, new onset headache, new onset pain (muscular, chest, abdomen, joints), new intense fatigue, new severe loss of appetite, sore throat, vomiting or diarrhea, your child must stay home. **Runny nose is not a COVID-19 symptom**
- We would like to remind you that if you are living with a person who has COVID-19 (confirmed or suspected case) or those who have travelled outside of the country in the last 14 days, your child must stay home.
- If your child has any symptoms please have them stay home, isolate and contact 1-877-644-4545 or 811 to determine if testing is needed for COVID-19 and when they can return to school. They need to be symptom free for 48 hours (fever) and 24 hours (other symptoms) prior to returning to school.
- We count on your vigilance as this is the most efficient way to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- Make sure your child washes their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with soap and water before and after school.
- Provide 2 clean masks per day. Use a self-releasing lanyard or a reusable cloth bag to store the masks. Please label the masks with your child’s name and Homeroom number.
- Used masks should not be kept in plastic or ziplock bags as the bag becomes an incubator for bacteria.
In order to create the safest environment possible we encourage your collaboration and understanding that all students K to 6 must wear a mask during transitions.
- Leave personal supplies at home (toys, sports equipment, cards, phone, headphones, etc) students are of course still encouraged to bring their own books in French and in English.
- Provide a waste free lunch (If possible, please provide a reusable placemat)
- Provide 2 full bottles of water per day
- It would be helpful if you could supply your child with their own personal hygiene kit (Kleenex, wet wipes, and hand sanitizer), this is optional.
- Explain the physical distancing rules to your child
- Explain the importance of avoiding contact with students from another class
- Reiterate the rule of no sharing of personal objects or food
- Remind your child to frequently wash their hands, practice proper respiratory etiquette, to not touch their face, to avoid touching others or high touch surfaces or objects.
- Remind your child of the importance of cleaning their desks before and after eating.
- Explain to your child the importance of keeping his belongings in a bag or a basket close to his desk as per teacher’s directive.
- Be mindful of respecting all Public Health’s guidelines in the evenings and after school to avoid risk of exposure.
- Read all school communication thouroughly and watch video with your child.
We understand that these protocols and directives can seem overwhelming, please know that we have been working extremely hard to mitigate risk while safeguarding an engaging and positive learning environment. A few fundamental changes had to be made with respect to how our beloved parent community can participate in our school building. We will need to minimize all visitors to the building (there will be no visits without a prior appointment) and no parents may remain on school grounds (either in the schoolyard or the front yard after school). These decisions were not taken lightly, we are faced with a very difficult task to reduce any unnecessary exposure and traffic in and around the school. At 630 students and over sixty staff members, our buildings and grounds are already stretched to the limit with regard to physical distancing. With 30 homerooms to organize, we are not able to respond to special requests made by individual families with respect to placement with friends or specific teachers. We have received over 100 of these and we can simply not accommodate these requests. We are working around the clock to ensure that everything is put in place for the safe return to school. We need you in our court. As Willingdon families we know we can count on you to work for the greater good for our entire community. We are counting on you!
We are committed to maintaining the highest standards at Willingdon school. There will be no shortage of opportunities for students to be challenged with high quality instruction, to be socially connected to their peers and feel a sense of belonging to their school. At Willingdon our goal is to allow students to better find the path that encourages motivation, curiosity, and success.
Rest assured that we are committed to the safety of our students. We believe in the resilience of our students and families, and in a strong partnership with our parents.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Kindest regards,
Carmen Nicolas Candice Madden Maya Doughan
Principal Vice-Principal JR Vice-Principal SR
cnicolas@emsb.qc.ca cmadden@emsb.qc.ca mdoughan@emsb.qc.ca
Dr. Kathleen Usher Ms. Lara Belinsky Ms. Tina Barbaccia Mme. Monique Imbeau
Science Specialist Physical Education Senior Campus Junior Campus
Specialist Teacher Teacher
Annick Gauthier, MDCM, PhD, CCFP, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Department of Family Medicine, McGill University, Family Physician, Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre and St Mary’s Family Medicine Centre, Medical Advisor for Kahnwake COVID-19 Task Force