Submissions now being accepted for CBC First Page Student Writing Challenge

The CBC First Page Student Writing Challenge is officially open for submissions!
Here are the details that CBC has shared with the English Montreal School Board:
THE CHALLENGE: Grades 7 to 11 students are being asked to provide a glimpse of the great Canadian novel in the year 2170. Your challenge is to write the first page of a novel set 150 years in the future, with your protagonist facing an issue that's topical today and setting the scene for how it's all playing out in a century and a half.
WHAT YOU CAN WRITE: Entries can be 300-400 words in length. Your entry also needs a title, but the title is not included in the word limit. Entries can be written in any genre.
WHO CAN ENTER: This contest is open to all Canadian residents who are full-time students enrolled in Grades 7 to 12. Entries will be judged in two age categories: Grades 7 to 9 and Grades 10 to 12.
WHO IS JUDGING: David A. Robertson will select two winners, one from each category, from the shortlists. Robertson is a Governor General's Literary Award-winning Cree writer from Winnipeg who writes books for readers of all ages.
Ten finalists from each category will be selected for the shortlist by a team of readers at CBC Books.
WHAT YOU CAN WIN: Both winners will receive a one-year subscription to OwlCrate, which sends fresh boxes of books to young readers across Canada on a monthly basis. In addition, each winners' school libraries will receive 50 free YA books.
WHEN IT CLOSES: The challenge will be accepting submissions until Nov. 26, 2020 at 6 p.m. ET. Finalists will be notified by email in early 2021.
- Click here to go to the main contest page
- Click here for complete rules and regulations
- Click here to sign up for the CBC Student Writing Challenge newsletter
- Click here to find classroom resources for this challenge
- Download posters for your classrooms: in colour, black and white, or mobile-friendly version
For more information contact Ashly July at 416-205-3164 or by email at